Bright relief - Coleus colours

Let there be brightness!  On a grey windy day it is a great relief to retreat to the warmth of the Begonia House in the Wellington Botanic Garden.  Ahhh - to have a moment in the soft moist warmth of the tropics.  Coleus is a tropical plant from Southeast Asia often grown for its brilliant - some would say strident - display of multicoloured leaves.  This one is Solenostemon scutellarioides - there are other plants also called coleus.  The leaves can be very decorative in shape - these have scalloped edges to a varying degree - I think they would be described as having crenate margins in botanical terms.  

It may sound fanciful, but to my eyes we have:

the golden yellow and lime green of sunshine, 

burnt sienna, pink and lime green of a warm day

and a sunset of brilliant pink, lilac and purples.

And another day is around the corner...