Another storm and gales were beginning to batter the plants out in the garden. A pot of yellow hyacinths was in flower, so I brought it inside to enjoy the bright colour and the rich fragrance.
Putting my nose up close in order to get a good long sniff, I noticed a tiny insect on the flowers.
I had no idea what it was. Thanks to the internets, and a closer view...
Cute, delicate (7-5-10mm long), and named...the Tasmanian lacewing (Micromus tasmaniae). It is a plant-grower's friend, feeding at night on the various aphids found on vegetable crops, field crops and pastureland. It also feeds on psyllids living on crop plants and native plants. Aphids and psyllids, although also very small in size, are sap suckers which attack in large numbers. They can do terrible damage to plants.
The Tasmanian lacewing, as the name suggests, came from Australia and is now widespread in New Zealand. It is welcomed by us humans as a useful biological control agent of aphids, a beneficial insect or "bennie." I daresay that aphids, if they could speak, would not concur.
Everything is relative.